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AI Tool


Read improves meeting efficiency through streamlined planning, real-time analytics, summaries, and automated recommendations. On average, it identifies 20 unnecessary meeting hours per month.


Read for more efficient meetings

The solution is positioning itself on the market as a tool that improves the effectiveness and efficiency of meetings. With features such as better scheduling, real-time analysis, summaries, transcription, playback, and automated recommendations, Read provides an optimal meeting experience. On average, Read saves 20 hours of meetings per month.


Meetings are often inefficient and time-consuming. There is a lack of automated solutions to summarize, transcribe, and analyze meetings to increase productivity and save valuable time.


Read is an AI-driven SaaS solution that automatically generates meeting summaries, transcripts, playback videos, and highlights. With real-time analytics, scheduling, and automated recommendations, Read improves the efficiency and effectiveness of meetings.


With Read, meetings can be made more effective and efficient. The automated summary, transcription, and analysis of meetings saves valuable time and allows participants to focus on the most important topics. By integrating with existing workflows, Read provides a central source of information for meetings and helps to increase productivity.

For more information, visit the Read's official website.

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