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The benchmark for marketing automation & AI

Der Marketing Automation & AI Score

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Score for marketing automation & AI

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The Marketing Automation Maturity Index (MAMI) is derived from Körner's success criteria (2021). Before implementation, every company should self-critically review where they stand in terms of the success criteria. The following criteria therefore form the basis for the assessment of marketing automation:

A total of 40 indicators are included in the calculation of the Marketing Automation & AI Score.

  1. Lead Generation: How efficient and effective is the process of identifying potential customers and approaching them for the first time?Wie effizient und effektiv ist der Prozess, potenzielle Kunden zu identifizieren und erstmalig anzusprechen?
  2. Lead Engagement: How consistent and personalized are interactions with potential customers maintained in order to lead them further into the sales funnel?
  3. Lead Scoring: How accurately and adaptively does the company assess the quality and potential of leads based on their behavior and interaction?
  4. Lead Research: How deeply and precisely is data about potential customers collected, analyzed and used for targeted campaigns?
  5. Lead Automation: How advanced and integrated are the automated processes that ensure the right messages go to the right people at the right time?
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Questions about the model


The most frequently asked questions about our model.


How is the index calculated?

The score is based on last year's edition of the Marketing Automation Maturity Index (MAMI) and is derived from Körner's success criteria (2021). Each company should self-critically review where they stand in terms of the success criteria before implementation. The criteria thus form the basis for the assessment of marketing automation & AI: mindset, know-how and skills, culture, top management buy-in, marketing & sales alignment, target customers, buyer persona and customer journey, data technology and headcounts (Garbin, 2022).


How many indicators are included in the calculation?

A total of 40 indicators were included in the calculation of the Marketing Automation Maturity Index and the further development of this edition focuses on the success factors of lead generation and AI in B2B companies.


What are common use cases?

A central component of the index is the specific applications in marketing and sales that are automated with marketing automation tools. A list of 100 tools and use cases will be provided if you take part in the survey. The list of recommendations for action is intended to provide companies with a benefit in order to set the right focus.


Is the result based on self-assessment?

The assessment of maturity according to the model is significant and correlates with the self-assessment of maturity. The majority of companies can therefore assess their level of maturity quite realistically. This also applies to all sub-dimensions. The strongest positive correlation is found with the processes and data sub-dimension. In other words, if companies see themselves as having a high level of competence in marketing automation processes and in the data requirements for marketing automation, the probability is particularly high that they will also attest to a high level of marketing automation maturity overall.


What does it look like for my industry?

For statistical reasons (in some cases very few companies from individual detailed sectors), the participating companies were combined into six groups for the analysis of sector differences: Manufacturing companies and construction (average 39.6), communication services and media (average 58.5), trade and e-commerce (average 52.2), finance (average 59.0), IT/software (average 57.4), other services (average 54.5).

Determine your marketing automation & AI score