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AI Tool

Formula Bot

Formula Bot combines data preparation and analysis in one tool and allows you to quickly generate complex Excel formulas using AI. Text instructions are converted into formulas, which saves time and ensures accuracy.

Formula Bot

Formula Bot for efficient Excel formulas and data analysis

The solution is positioned on the market as AI-driven formula generation for Google Sheets and Excel and as a tool for data analysis and data preparation. With over 650,000 data analysts who benefit from Formula Bot, the platform offers an innovative way to work with data and tables quickly and efficiently. In addition to paid subscriptions, Formula Bot also offers free subscriptions to schools and non-profit organizations to support their work and maximize their impact. The company places great emphasis on developing new features that meet customer needs and strives to offer an outstanding and innovative product. Register now for free at and experience the benefits of Formula Bot for your work with data and tables.


Many Excel users are faced with the challenge of solving complex problems quickly and easily using Excel formulas, particularly in unique and complex scenarios.


Formula Bot offers a unique solution by turning text instructions into Excel formulas. The AI-controlled tool creates complex Excel formulas precisely and quickly, offers various variants to choose from and thus saves users a lot of time.


Formula Bot allows Excel users to solve complex problems quickly and easily with AI-generated formulas. Although it may be limited for some unique and complex scenarios, it still provides a time-saving and accurate solution for most Excel needs.

In the G2 reviews about Formula Bot, I found something unique: the ability to turn text instructions into Excel formulas. This allows complex Excel problems to be solved quickly and easily using AI.Benefits mentioned

  • Accuracy and speed: Generates complex Excel formulas quickly and accurately.
  • Different formula variations: May offer multiple variants of a formula to choose from.
  • Saving time: Generates formulas quickly, saving users a lot of time.

Disadvantages mentioned

  • Lack of flexibility: May be limited in unique and complex scenarios.
  • Lack of human judgment: Some users prefer human intuition when creating formulas.
  • Subscription costs: The cost of the subscription is perceived as high.

For more information, visit the Official site of Formula Bot.

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